Clínica Misional "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe"
Vicariato Apostólico de Zamora, Ecuador

Deutsch / English / Español

Our gratitude goes to our main Sponsors and Supporters

Hermana Consuelo Carvajal Correa
Misionera de Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús, Colombia
Superiora Local de Guadalupe

Dr. Jaime Ortiz
Zumbi, Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador
Doctor de Medicinal General for several years

Prälat Albert Holenstein
Direktor der Päpstlichen Missionswerke der Diözese Feldkirch, Austria
Mayor Financial Support for the Construction

Mons. Serafín Cartagena
Obispo del Vicariato Apostólico de Zamora, Ecuador

Mons. P. Ricardo Flatz
Provicario del Vicariato Apostólico de Zamora, Ecuador

Arquitecto Carlos Espejo de Loja, Ecuador

Ing. Eugenio Reyes
Alcalde del Ilustre Municipio de Zamora, Ecuador

Mons. Fausto Gabriel Trávez Trávez
Obispo del Vicariato Apostólico de Zamora, Ecuador

Mr.&Mrs. Frank & Marie Glowski, USA
Secretary & Treasurer of the Foundation
"The Friends of the Mission Clinic of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Inc."
American Medical Resources Foundation
P.O. Box 3609
Brockton, MA 02304-3609
Tel. 508 580 3301

Catholic Medical Mission Board, New York,
supports our volunteers
Dr. med. dent. Eberhard Pierro & Frau Gudrun Pierro, Deutschland
Vorsitzender des Förderkreies Santa Maria
Serle M. Epstein, M.D. F.A.C.P., USA
President and Chief Medical Advisor of the Foundation
"The Friends of the Mission Clinic of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Inc."
Amy (Amanda) Anderson, USA
Nurse and Coordinator of the Mission Clinic

The list would be very long if we were to name all the other supporters, helpers, workers and volunteers in the planning, construction and daily operations of the Mission Clinic "Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe".
We also thank all the generous donors.
To all of them our profound gratitude.
P. Jorge Nigsch

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